#14: Developing a Multidimensional Sustainable Affordable Housing Framework (MASAHF) for Revitalizing the B40 and M40 Communities in Klang Valley, Malaysia using an Action Priority Matrix Approach

While affordable housing is often addressed in economic terms, non-economic issues such as the sustainable housing concept should also be seriously addressed. Despite numerous government plans and initiatives aimed at achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through affordable housing, B40 and M40 communities continue to face issues such as impractical housing layout design, a low level of accessibility, and severe overcrowding in residential areas. This situation calls for the need for the sustainability concept to be embedded in housing policy and guidelines with a focus on socio-cultural and economic issues and environmentally friendly design and green technology. Therefore, to govern and monitor sustainable affordable housing, it is proposed a new multidimensional sustainable housing framework (MASAHF) to improve sustainable living of B40 and M40 communities residing in low-to-middle cost housing in Malaysia through an Action Priority Matrix approach. Adopting the Action Priority Matrix provides a better understanding and new perspectives of the current challenges in producing sustainable affordable housing, uncovering any potential disjoint between policy and programmes planned and how their implementation affects the sustainable housing development. Consequently, it unearths what social policy interventions the government can introduce, maintain, or adapt to embed sustainable principles in affordable housing development, including improving overall livability aspects of B40 and M40 communities.