MASA Economic Insight No.2 / 2022: Budget 2023: Improving Malaysia’s Social Protection

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is clear that Malaysia’s social protection needs to be improved upon. We should therefore shift towards a more sustainable plan that benefits all citizens especially as Malaysia is moving towards an ageing population by 2030.

Three key areas that need to be focused on:

1.1 Coverage Gap: Establishment Of A One-Stop Agency;
1.2 Unsustainable Old-Age Savings And Pensions;
1.3 Disaster Relief Aid and Assistance

In 2019, households that falls under the Poverty Line Income (PLI) which accounted for 17.4% in the B40 group, they only received 12% of the overall budget.

With the upcoming announcement of Budget 2023 on 7th October 2022, the government is likely to place emphasis on the Rakyat’s social wellbeing through various schemes and initiatives for inclusivity.

The focus must also be in line with the Guiding Principles and Strategic Thrusts of the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV2030), i.e. continuous prosperity, equitable outcome and social wellbeing and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Target 1.3, i.e. implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable.